Journeying Through Homeschooling A Preschooler - Trails, Stepping Stones, and Co-ops
Our homeschooling preschool activities usually start after breakfast. We do an art or play-based activity to welcome the day. We look through books to build vocabulary. We listen to classical music. And once an adventurous mood sets in we go outside around noon, right after our lunch. We step out into the wilderness of our backyard to fly a kite, play with sand, water our two garden beds of growing mystery plants that have taken root from being a part of our winter compost, and being continually vigilant for any ticks. Having experienced Lyme disease last year we take all tick precautions.
Our mini adventures are filled with learning. We incorporate language development exercises like identifying the surrounding plants, trees, and wildlife, counting our steps or stones or leaves, and google things we think of when we don't know the answer. This method of homeschooling our preschooler is proving to be both healthy and motivational for our little learner. After a tiny hike or a run around the yard we use storybooks and discussions about what we've discovered along our journey.
We've looked into basically all co-op in our area and beyond. The challenge for us has been locations that are too far, limited by age, or the aren't open spaces available for new families. We decided that we'll venture into a new direction and chart our path as a co-op that grows with our kids.
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