Food for Thought: Short Reads for Social Skills - Preschoolers & the Playground

Empowering Kids: Encouraging Healthy Relationships and Improving Social Skills As a mom of a preschooler, I understand the challenge of juggling roles; a teacher, personal chief, chauffeur, speech therapist, event planner and coordinator, cleaning staff, toy maker, game inventor, however, they have one crucial thing in common - facilitating healthy relationships. These relationships, whether with neighbors, colleagues, or our own children, are key to a functioning society. In the article "How to Help Kids Navigate Friendships and Peer Relationships" by Tory DeAngelis ( read the article here ), Mitch Prinstein, PhD, chief science officer at APA, states that kids who are well-liked by classmates fare better in life. They have a reduced likelihood of adopting aggressive behavior or struggling with low self-confidence. Generally, it's essential to start teaching healthy social skills from toddlerhood. Friendship skills are crucial, in addition to understandi...